
Showing posts from November, 2023

Digital Composition

     My biggest takeaway from chapter 5 "Use of Multimodal/Digital Tools for Responding to and Creating Multimodal/Digital Texts" from "Teaching Literature to Adolescents" by Richard Beach had to do with a section titled "Online Versus Print Reading." A key concern mentioned is that when reading online, there is more skimming/scanning of text, and students are more likely to multitask, which is really just distracting.      I am someone that will chose the print version of a text over and online one any day of the week. I prefer physical books. I used to have a kindle, which I will admit, was nice because I could just borrow e-books and read more than borrowing physical books from the library, but something about it is different.      If used correctly and responsibly, e-text can be beneficial. A lot have built in dictionaries that you can use if you come across a word you don't know. You can also easily highlight and underline text to annotate as you

Blogging and Podcasting

     This unit was a little shorter than some of our previous units, but it's one that I had a lot more interest in. I experienced blogging and listening to podcasts during my time as an ELA high school student.       For a class that I took in my freshman year of high school, an elective that was called Writing for Social Media, we had to listen to an episode of a podcast for class. That my first introduction to podcasts. I remember we listened to a podcast episode in class that our teacher just wanted us to listen to, but then for the one we had to listen to on our own, we got to pick any podcast about any topic. I remember I picked a podcast called Pilot's Lounge, where these two cousins discussed the pilot episodes of popular TV shows.      My blogging experience came from being a writer for my high school's newspaper. We had to keep a blog, and my first year on staff, I did one about health and fitness, a phase I was in. Looking back now, I cringe. My second year I had