
Showing posts from September, 2023

Multimodal Composition

      I did not hear the term "multimodal" until I was in my second semester of my freshman year of college, and it still took me another semester before I understood what it meant. Multimodal composition at its most basic definition is using multiple forms of expression as a tool for teaching or learning. Looking back, we used multimodal composition in school very frequently.     In the classroom when I was growing up, anytime we read a play, we assigned parts and acted it out in class. Even reading for a character allowed my classmates to express their creativity, assigning accents and distinct voices to characters. In the book "Teaching Literature to Adolescents" author Richard Beach claims that "One benefit of engaging in drama activities is that students shift from being passive responders to a text to become active producers of language. They are now spontaneously employing language and embodied actions to assume a role, address a problem or dilemma, resp

Visual Literacy

      Visual Literacy in the ELA classroom can be demonstrated by the use of graphic novels. My introduction to graphic novels came in primary school with the Lunch Lady book series by Jarrett J. Krosoczka. A lot of young kids enjoy reading the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books by Jeff Kinney.      The reason graphic novels pose as a challenge is that their is a reliance on words and pictures to comprehend what is happening. For example, entire panels can show what is happening without using any words or barely any words at all, and it's an important and contributing factor to the overall story, as shown here:       In the example I found here, the Lunch Lady (who, for context, is like a superhero) gets a new gadget and suggests they head to the boiler room. The dialogue in those two panels is the only dialogue across those seven panels. The next five panels show the process of them going to the boiler room. The sneaky expression on the lunch ladies' faces and the fact that it shows

Introduction to Myself and the Blog

 Hi there! My name is Megan Mitchell, and I'm a college sophomore studying Secondary English Education. I'm creating this blog for my Writing for Non-Print Media class to synthesize and reflect at the end of each unit. Some fun things about me that I'd like to share are: I love sitcoms (The Middle and Parks and Rec are my favorite), I love to read, I'm 10,000% a dog person (I have a poodle named Dixie), I love to go shopping (Francesca's is my favorite store), I play the piccolo in the marching band, my favorite singer is Taylor Swift and my favorite Taylor Swift song is Last Kiss, my favorite color is yellow, and my favorite flowers are daffodils. Also, I can juggle. That's my biggest flex 💪 and usually what I tell people when we have to share a fun fact. Anyways, welcome to the blog! Enjoy! xoxo